
Large number of users interact with SAS data files on regular basis. The only open format released by SAS Institute is a transport file format (XPORT).

As the only approved format of clinical data submittal to FDA, XPORT format is an an essential component of any clinical system

Using our libraries removes requirements for you to install SAS system in order to generate datasets or to read vendor provided XPORT files. Simplifies integration of XPORT feeds into your processes and product line.

Product Description Price


XPTViewer Windows application to view content of the XPORT files.Ability to view multiple dataset XPORT files. FREE Download

XPORT Utilities

XPT2CSV console utility provide ability to convert SAS XPORT transport files into CSV data format. View documentation

CSV2XPT console utility provides ability to convert CSV files into SAS XPORT transport file. View documentation

XPTViewer Windows application to view content of the XPORT files.

Single license $60.00

.Net XPORT Library (Binary)

SASxport is a .Net library, provides you with an API to integrate XPORT data read and write capabilities into your window applications. View API documentation

No run-time fees.

Includes single license for XPORT Utilities


.Net XPORT Library (Source Code)

Includes C# source code for .Net XPORT Library and all of the XPORT Utilities. View API documentation

No run-time fees.


Be sure to read the License Agreement prior to installing above products.

Questions regarding these product offerings should be directed to or by writing to us at the following address:

2 Park Plaza, Suite 600
Boston, MA 02116